make a fortune

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make a fortune

更新时间:2024-04-30 10:04:46

英 [meik ə ˈfɔ:tʃən]

美 [mek e ˈfɔrtʃən]

make a fortune基本解释

发财; 赚钱


  • 网络解释

1. 发财:make fashion 做做样子 | make a fortune 发财 | make friends 交朋友


2. 赚大钱:make a foolish figure 成为笑柄 | make a fortune 赚大钱 | make a fuss about 小题大作

3. 发财致富:if fortune favours 如果运气好 | make a fortune 发财致富 | make one's fortune 发财致富

4. 发财,赚钱:10. rock and roll 摇滚乐 | 11. make a fortune 发财,赚钱 | 12. cut short 使停止,中断;打断,制止

  • 临近词
Undeterred, he spotted a chance to make a fortune from iron ore.(他并未因而退缩,他发现了一个从铁矿石中攫取财富的机会。)
YouTube's founders and investors will make a fortune.(YouTube的创建者和投资者们会发大财。)
He read my palm for a while and said to me that I would make a fortune.(他看了我的手掌一会,然后对我说,我会发大财。)
Many companies tapped into the cheap labor of this country to make a fortune.(许多公司利用了这个国家便宜的人工来大发利市。)
You'll learn how to make a fortune.(您知道如何发财。)
Be honest, you'll make a fortune out of it.(老实说,你可以从中赚一大笔钱呢。)
Rich man said to the young: "you should work hard in the outside world to make a fortune."(富人对这个年轻的流浪汉说:“年轻人,你要到外面的世界去奋斗啊。”)
I said, no Dad, I'm really going to make a fortune here.(我说,不,爸爸,这次我要,赚大钱。)
Capitalists use laborers' surplus value to make a fortune.(资本家利用劳工的剩余价值发家致富。)
It expected to make a fortune in the long run but it was destroyed in short order.(它希望最后能赚一大笔,却很快遭到了毁灭。)
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